Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Where is all the $$$ ?

Lately, my conversations with people have seemed to revolve around the current financial crisis of wealth, entitlement and who who in america needs to get paid. So, as musician I feel obligated to share my opinion. I have found that if we would run everything through a simple common sense filter, we would find that everything can be broken down into an equation that the simple laymen can comprehend.
3 areas: Public v.s Private sector, America's Current role in Foreign Aid, How to reduce debt. Ready here we go.

Public/Private Sector

Look, if you want to make money, enter the private sector. If you want to make more money, then own your own business, do it your way, provide a service/product that doesn't exist, that's better than the competition and make money your way.
Public employees render a social service. There will always be an earning cap, where the value/cause is (theoretically)traded for providing a social service. ***hint If you are in the public sector instead of complaining about wages, work a part time job/ or take up a money making hobby. Its only logical since the rest of the country has to employ multiple sources for income.

"Athletes and entertainers should make less than policeman, firefighters, teachers etc.

NO. Tax payers pay the wages of policemen etc, we cannot afford to pay athletes/entertainers nor should we want to. This is a silly argument. Remember the formula Private = potential $$$$
Sports, movies, music is all private industry and the have the right to charge $50 a ticket to an event. Don't like how much salary an athlete makes? Don't go to game, ever. Problem solved.

Foreign Aid

I only bring this up because a hot topic has been America's current role in providing aid to Somalia. Living here on the west coast I have to filter the Liberal agenda's with Midwest conservatism and here is the compromise... NON-Profits.

Look, funding terrorist regimes/countries is something everyone can agree should not be done with tax payers dollars. "But what about people dying of starvation"? Let me ask you this, when did it become the Government's role to act as a primary relief agency to the world? Can't find that amendment in the constitution.

Who would say that the US government is the most kind, compassionate group of individuals? Ever been to the DMV, Social Security office, or the court house and you say other wise. It is people, who love people the most. The key is non-profits. Put the resources in the hands of organizations that's sole focus is to aid others and are already on the ground and set up in places around the world. People's who job is to serve, and have real compassionate hearts. Sorry, the churches and most non-profits simply do it better. Maybe there is less red tape or maybe its because its passion. Before the government can fix the world, it needs to fix its backyard. Our Government must focus its tax payers resources on tax payer(domestic) needs. It is not the United World's of America but the United States.

Here's a thought, if you can't afford something you shouldn't buy it, right? Called living in your means? Well when America can't pay its bills, has to cut domestic diaster relief and is unsure of future pension plans and social security benefits (and medicaid for that matter)how we can justify taking tax money and spending it in foreign affairs?

#3 How to reduce debt

Listen up Washington, here is its for ya. Simple way to balance your budget:
-support local businesses (patron)
-reduce spending. Period
-get a second job

Look its a lose lose, but all of us are already cutting out entertainment, movies, Netflix subscriptions, and Gucci hand bags lol. We all have already had to make adjustments to our spending habits, downsizing houses, and shopping at thrift stores. When there is no money people are going to have to suck it up and bite the bullet.
You can live off beans and rice...but most of us want our i-phones and filet migon.

Just a thought, or two or three.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Boring people have no stories to tell

Well, it has been over a month now since I moved across the country to Los Angeles. A lot has happened since I have been here so figured I should update everyone.
This past week I’m am proud to say I set up my first California business as well as my own music publishing company (least of these music). I have received my first substantial (not paid in pennies) royalty check. I have been song writing almost every day with many different LA artists. I even worked in the studio as a singer with the producer who found sean “diddy” combs and Mary J. Bliege. I’m been in contact with the writers for Justin beiber and have received my first publishing deal for tv music. Next week, I’ll be playing my first show on sunset strip at the World Famous House of Blues. This all sounds fine and dandy but truth be told, it has not been a LA LA land experience. Stress, fear and loneliness have been the central themes of the past month.
The first week I was out here I literally lived in a dream world. We were staying with a friend in the Hollywood hills, Sean lea was in town, we hung out went to the beach, and life was good. Then through a series of events, Nate and I found ourselves looking for a place to live. Needless to say week two was filled with tons of stress, doubt and fear. This is a hard place for anyone to be in, moving across the country to pursue a calling to only doubt your initial belief. I will say this, even through all the perils that I faced, I knew this would all just be chapter in my autobiography someday. Needless to say, I now have a great apartment up in the valley, huge living room, have the studio all set up, walk in closets, no adjacent walls with neighbors, yea I’m still blessed. In the middle of this crisis I began to let fear overwhelm me of not having steady income. The job I had been promised out here seems to be delayed…the market out here as you can guess is as tough as anywhere. It is easy in times of great uncertainty to question, and questioning is good because it will only provide solid answers (I encourage you to do so).
Since being here I have seen so much growth in my spiritual life. I have learned the meaning of daily conversational prayer. I have experienced what full dependence on God taste like, for food, and shelter. Since coming here I have been going to Angelus Temple (dream center Church) and one of the things that Pastor Barnett said is that “parents will either instill hope or fear into their children”. I have to say coming from an Italian American family, there is lot of fear for the wooden spoon, but I can say with gratitude that I have been at peace because of the hope that is in me. Thank you mom and dad for placing that in me, and I hope every parent out there realizes the power of words. I recently have been spending time reading ezekial and how he was called to a rebellious nation. Powerful text, I’ll go into detail later, for it deserves its own page.
Through this all I have learned boring people have no story to tell.

Yesterday I was listening to a performance on NPR from a musical theater/rock and roll composer I had never heard of. Honestly he was terrible. But his second song (some how I kept listening) impacted me. It was one of those moments you knew that God was speaking through you, even through the most bizarre circumstance. He sang a song about a man who wanted to be rock and roll artist but was terrible. He would play show after show and no one would listen. He was terrible because he was boring and had no story to tell. He didn’t come from the ghetto, never had to rise from the ashes, just a plain boring suburban man.
This might sound farfetched but I feel that God has led me through trials to preserve my art. In order to make me a true artist, maybe God needed for me to experience every kind of emotion. Whether or not it is the case I am thank full because my art has not suffered but only thrived. There is something surreal about having no backup plan and wondering where you will stay for the night, or where your next meal will come from. No I’m not homeless, nor starving but the reality of it not taking much to get me there has been surreal.
It is not the valleys in our life that define us but the way in which we react to them –Alcia britt Chole
Lastly, I know its been forever but the album will be done in time for a fall release. I’m planning on returning to Springfield to host an amazing night of music as the world premiere for the new Album the Verge. I’ll keep you updated as things will progress quickly. If you want to be apart of the night let me know I’ll need lots of helping getting it rolling. This is it, the beginning of path that will lead to hopefully many lives changed and impacted through my music, message, giving and life example. I have so much to say, but no is probably reading. I’ll explain more about the concert event and about my vision for my music venture in the upcoming stages.

Good night.
